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World Wetlands Day 2025

“Wetlands for Our Shared Future” is the theme of this year’s World Wetlands Day celebrations. The Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw and the Center for Wetlands Protection cordially invite you to a series of lectures and an excursion on February 1–2, 2025.

Preliminary Program for February 1, 2025
Venue: Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw (1 Ilji Miecznikowa St., Warsaw)
Lectures and discussions will be held in Polish

10:00 AM – Opening of the Event Prof. Anna Ajduk, Vice-Dean for Research Organization at the Faculty of Biology, UW

10:10–10:40 AM – Wetlands for Our Future, Us for the Future of Wetlands. Introduction to the 2025 World Wetlands Day theme. Prof. Wiktor Kotowski, peatland ecologist from the Faculty of Biology, UW, and board member of the Center for Wetlands Protection

10:40–11:10 AM – Wetland Relationships: The Ambiguity of Traditions, Aesthetics, and Perspectives. Dr Małgorzata Owczarska, cultural anthropologist and ethnographer from the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UW, head of the project “The Experience of Excess, Scarcity, and Sustainable Water Presence: A Study in Blue Anthropology”.

11:10–11:20 AM – Summary of the Ramsar Convention Secretariat’s Work in Poland in 2024. Sylwia Gawrońska, General Directorate for Environmental Protection

11:20–11:50 AM – What’s Happening in the Wetlands? A 2024 Recap. Dr Łukasz Kozub, botanist from the Faculty of Biology, UW, and Chair of the Center for Wetlands Protection

11:50–12:00 PM – Short Presentations of Wetland Bazaar Exhibits

12:00–2:00 PM – Break & Wetland Bazaar. Learn about local wetland initiatives from: Stowarzyszenie Miej Kulturę Chroń Naturę (Ciechanów), Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich “Pęciczanki”* (Michałowice), Daniel Petryczkiewicz (Brat Potok Mała educational group, Biały Ług wetland), Zakole Group. At the bazaar, you can: meet Andrzej Czech, author of “The Beaver King: Architect of the Future” and purchase a signed copy of his book; explore the work of researchers like Nikola Góral (UAM, Poznań), specializing in dragonfly conservation, and Anita Murawska (UW), who studies the history preserved in peat; discover connections between wetlands and climate with the UW Climate Science Student Society; visit the Center for Wetlands Protection booth to discuss its activities and join the association.

2:00–2:30 PM – The Beaver King: Architect of the Future. Andrzej Czech, Ph.D. in Environmental Biology, eco-friendly farmer, and member of the State Council for Nature Conservation

2:30–3:00 PM – Will the Establishment of the Sobibór National Park Improve the Protection of Poland’s Most Valuable Wetlands? Dr Bartłomiej Woźniak, ecologist and ornithologist from the Institute of Forest Sciences (SGGW), member of the Sobibór Research Group, and author of the proposal for the Sobibór National Park

3:00–4:15 PM – Reading Peat: Wetland Utopias and Dystopias – Panel Discussion. Panelists: Dr Marta Jermaczek-Sitak, biologist, nature educator, and advocate for living in harmony with nature, Andrzej Gąsiorowski, lawyer, blogger, climate and environmental activist, founder of Fota4Climate, Jan Kucharzyk, biologist from the Center for Wetlands Protection and expert on endangered wetland plant species, and other speakers and guests. Moderator: Prof. Wiktor Kotowski

4:15 PM – Film Screening: “Magie der Moore” (The Magic of Peatlands). Presented in German with English subtitles (1 hr 35 min). The screening will be followed by expert commentary and discussion.

A children’s activity corner will be available during the event.

Wetland Excursion near Wołomin – February 2, 2025

A highlight of the annual World Wetlands Day celebration is the wetland excursion in Warsaw or its vicinity. This year, we invite you to explore the Białe Błota peatland and nearby wetlands around Wołomin.
Meeting Point: Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 9:05 AM at the PKP Wołomin bus terminal (Laskowa).
We recommend taking the Mazovian Railways train arriving from Warsaw at 9:03 AM. The walk will last about 4 hours, concluding at the PKP Wołomin station.

The tour will be led by Dr Łukasz Kozub from the Center for Wetlands Protection. Please dress appropriately—rubber boots are required.

Participation in all events is free of charge.

The World Wetlands Day celebrations have been held at the Faculty of Biology since 2009 (with a two-year hiatus during the pandemic when the event was held online).