Biblioteka Wydziału Biologii UW

Czasopisma elektroniczne           M ...


Macromolecular Bioscience - 2001 - current

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - 2003 - current

Maine Naturalist - 1993 - 1995 (continued by Northeastern Naturalis)

Malacologia: International Journal of Malacology - 1962 - 2006

Malaria Journal - since 2002

Mammal Review - 1998 - current

Mammal Research (continues Acta Theriologica) - 2001 - current

Mammalian Biology - 2002 - current
Mammalian Genome - 1996 - current

Mammalian Species  - since 1969, after 3 years !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Man (continued by Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute) - 1901 - 1994

Mangroves and Salt Marshes (incorporatet into Wetlands Ecologyand Management) - 1997 - 1999

Manual of Environmental Policy: The EU and Britain - May 2000 

Marine Biodiversity Records - 2008 - current
Marine Biology - 1997 - current

Marine Biotechnology - 1998 - current

Marine Ecology - 1996 - current

Marine Environmental Research - 1995 - current

Marine Chemistry - 1995 - current

Marine Fisheries Review - since Jan 1990

Marine & Freshwater Behaviour & Physiology - since Mar 2002, after 18 months

Marine Micropaleontology - 1995 - current

Marine Models - 1999, 2002

Marine Policy - 1995 - current

Marine Pollution Bulletin - 1995 - current

Mathematical and Computer Modelling - 1995 - current

Mathematical Bioscience - 1995 - current

Mathematical Medicine and Biology  (A Journal of the IMA) - 1996 - current

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena - 2008 - current

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation - 1995 - current

Mathematical Programming - 1997 - current

Matrix Biology - 1995 - current

Maturitas - 1995 - current

Meat Science - 1995 - current

Mechanisms of Ageing and Development - 1995 - current

Mechanisms of Development  - 1995 - current

Medical Anthropology Newsletter (continued by Medical Anthropology Qarterly) - 1968 - 1982

Medical Anthropology Qarterly (continues Medical Anthropology Newsletter) - since 1983, after 7 years

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing - since Jan 2003, after 12 months

Medical & Veterinary Entomology - 1998 - current

Medical Education - 1997 - current
Medical Electron Microscopy - 1999 - current

Medical History - 1957 - current

Medical Hypotheses  - 1996 - current

Medical Humanities - since Jan 2000, after 12 months

Medical Image Analysis - 1996 - current

Medical Immunology - since 2002

Medical Law Review - 1996 - current

Medical Microbiology and Immunology - 1996 - current

Medical Molecular Morphology - 1999 - current

Medical Mycology (Mikologia Lekarska, Wrocław) - 1998 - current

Medical Update for Psychiatrists - 1996 - 1998

Medicinal Chemistry Research - 2005

Medicine, Healthcare & Philosophy - 1998 - current

Medycyna Weterynaryjna - 1945 - 2014

Memoir (The Paleontological Society) - since 1968, after 4 years !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club (continued by Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society) - 1889 - 1993 !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society (continues Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club ) - Vol.26 (2010) !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Mental Health Services Research - 1999 - current

Metabolic Brain Disease - 1997 - current

Metabolic Engineering - 1999 - current

Metabolism - 1995 - current

Metabolomics - 2005 - current

Metaphilosophy - 1997 - current
Methods - 1995 - current

Methods in Cell Science (incorporated into Cytotechnology)- 1997 - 2004

Methods in Ecology and Evolution - since 2010, after 2 years

MHR (Molecular Human Reproduction) - 1996 - current

Microbes and Infection - 1999 - current

Microbial Cell Factories - since 2002

Microbial Ecology - 1996 - current

Microbial Ecology - since 1974, after 3 years !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease - since May 1998, after 12 months

Microbial Pathogenesis - 1995 - current

Microbiology (Springer/Nauka) - 2001 - current

Microbiology  (SGM continues Journal of General Microbiology) - since 1947, after 12 months

Microbiology and Immunology (continues Japanese Journal of Microbiolog) - 1957 - current

Microbiology and Molecular Biology Review (MMBR - continues Microbiological Reviews and Bacteriological Reviews) - since 1937, after 12 months

Microbiological Research - 2001 - current

Microbiological Reviews - 1978-1996

Microbes and Infection - 1999 - current

Micron - 1995 - current

Micronesica - 1999 - current

Micropaleontologist, The - 1947 - 1954 (continued by Micropaleontology) !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Micropaleontology - since 1955, after 3 years (continues The Micropaleontologist) !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Microscopy and Microanalysis - 1995 - current

Microvascular Research - 1995 - current
Midland Naturalist
(continued by American Midland Naturalis) - 1909

Mikologia Lekarska (Medical Mycology, Wrocław) - 1998 - current

Microbiological Reviews (continues  Bacteriological Reviews , continued by MMBR) - 1978 - 1996 

Mind - 1996 - current

Mind and Language - 1997 - current

Mine Water and the Environment - 2001 - current
Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report - 1890 - 1912 !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - 1998 - current

Mitochondrion - 2001- 2006

Mitteilungen aus dem botanischen Garten und Museum Berlin-Dahlem (continued by Willdenowia)- 1953 !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

MMBR (Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, continues Microbiological Reviews and Bacteriological Reviews ) - since 1937, after 12 months

Modern Intellectual History - 2004 - current

Modern Methods of Plant Analysis (=Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse) - 1956 - 1964

Modern Rheumatology - 1997 - current

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology - 1995 - current

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - 1997 - current

Molecular and Cellular Biology - since Jan 1981, after 4 months

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology - 1995 - current

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience - 1995 - current

Molecular and Cellular Probes - 1995 - current

Molecular and Cellular Proteomics - since Jan 2002, after 12 month

Molecular and General Genetics - MGG ( continued as Molecular Genetics and Genomics) - 1996 - 2001

Molecular Aspects of Medicine - 1995 - current

Molecular Autism (BMC)

Molecular Biology/Nauka - 2001 - 2006

Molecular Biology and Evolution - 1996 - current

Molecular Biology of the Cell (continues Cell Regulation) - since 1997, after 2 months

Molecular Biology of the Cell - since 1992, after 2 months

Molecular Biology Reports - 1997 - current

Molecular Brain Research - 1994 - 2005

Molecular Breeding - 1997 - current

Molecular Cancer - since 2002

Molecular Cancer Research - since Nov 2002, after 12 months

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics - since Nov 2001, after 12 months

Molecular Cell - 1997 - current

Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications - 1999 - 2001

Molecular Diagnosis - 1996 - 2001

Molecular Diversity - 1997 - current

Molecular Ecology - 1996 - current

Molecular Ecology Resources (continues Molecular Ecology Notes) - 2001 - current

Molecular Endocrinology - since 1992, after 12 months

Molecular Engineering - 1997 - 1999

Molecular Genetics and Genomics MGG ( continues Molecular and General Genetics) - 2001 - current

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (formerly known as Biochemical and Molecular Medicine) - 1998 - current

Molecular Human Reproduction (MHR) - 1996 - current

Molecular Imaging - since 2002

Molecular Imaging and Biology - 2002 - 2004

Molecular Immunology - 1995 - current 

Molecular Interventions - since Apr 2001, after 12 months

Molecular Medicine Today (continued by Trends in Molecular Medicine) - 1995 - 2001 

Molecular Membrane Biology - since Jan 1999, after 18 months

Molecular Microbiology - 1997 - current

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research - 2004 - current

Molecular Oral Microbiology 1999 - current

Molecular Pathology 1998 - 2003 (from 2004 incorporated into Journal of Clinical Pathology)

Molecular Pharmaceutics - 2004 - current

Molecular Pharmacology - since 1997, after 12 months

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution - 1995 - current

Molecular Plant Pathology - 2000 - current
Molecular Psychiatry - since Jan 1997, after 12 months

Molecular Reproduction and Development  - 1996 - current

Molecular Therapy - since 2000, after 1 year with exceptions

Molecular Therapy - 2000 - 2006

Molecules Online - Annual Archive Print Edition 

Molluscan Research - 2002 - 2004  !! UW network only !!

Monographiae Botanicae - 1980 - current

Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development - 1999 - current

Mountain Research and Development - since 1981, after 3 years !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

The Murrelet (continued by Northwest Naturalist) - 1920 - 1988

Mutagenesis - 1996 - current

Mutation Research DNAging (continued as Mutation Researcg/DNA Repair) - 1995

Mutation Research Forum - 1997 - 1999

Mutation Research Letters - 1995

Mutation Research/DNA Repair (formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA Repair Reports; Continued as DNA Repair) - 1996 - 2001

Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects - 1995 - 1996

Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mecanisms of Mutagenesis - 1996 - current

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology - 1994 - 1996

Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis - 1997 - current

Mutation Research/Mutation Research Genomics - 1997 - 2001

Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology - 1995 - 1996

Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research - 1996 - current

Mycologia - since 1909, after 3 years !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Mycological Bulletin (continues Ohio Mycological Bulletin; continued as Mycologia ) - 1904 - 1908 !! Faculty of Biology network only !!

Mycological Progress - 2002 - current

Mycologist - 1995 - 2006

Mycopathologia - 1997 - current

Mycorrhiza - 1995 - current

Mycoscience - 2002 - current

Mycoses - 1999 - current

Mycotaxon - since 1974, after 2 years